Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Mystery of Chemistry

Chemistry – ew, how I had hated that subject in school! But how I have loved reading all about the on-screen Chemistry between McAvoy and Fassbender (any X-men fan out there?)! Chemistry is not just limited to acrid smell and glove wrapped hands – it goes way beyond that! This doodle on the various facets of Human Chemistry, was done way back in my college days! I still feel the same way – so haven’t really changed it much, except a few words here and there! Happy reading!

P.S. And exploring Chemistry!

The tiny mite of the baby looked like a small scared bird, which has just fallen from the nest. However, it was soon reassured by the inarticulate cooing and purring made by its mother. Doesn't it always make you wonder how mothers are able to read mute lips, soothe irritated minds and dole out comforting lullabies. This is what ‘Chemistry’ is all about – a bond that thrives on the unsaid!

Whenever my brother comes home to spend his vacations, our grandma arranges a surprise for him. Sometimes, it is a jar of his favourite lemon pickle, at other times it may be a brand new cricket bat. He often wonders whether grandma can read his mind. Why, he has not mentioned a word about how much he has missed the mouth-watering pickle or how, for the past few months, the bat has always been on his mind! Such is ‘Chemistry’ that it effortlessly bridges the gap between generations. There is also ‘Chemistry’ in the warm bear hug that Baba used to give me every time I failed in Maths exam (which was pretty often!). There is ‘Chemistry’ in the way my aunt ladles out an extra spoon of ice-cream on my sister’s plate on the days she loses her basketball match.

There are moments of intense shame, regret, repentance or embarrassment when a person craves seclusion. In those despairing moments, in the confines of the dark, secluded room, sounds of heart–rending, smothered sobs are all that can be heard. During such moments, one person always knows the route to that lonely room, the route to that lonely heart. He is called a Friend and the equation between two friends, an extension of Human Chemistry. He tells you off when you are about to give up. The naughty twinkle in your eyes gets reflected in his eyes, when he plays your accomplice in a prank. Your failure to conquer your inner demons costs him bitter tears. He is ready to put everything at stake to bail you out of sticky situations…such is the 'Chemistry' between two friends.

In life you may take the well trodden path or chalk out an altogether new path for yourself. The journey called Life might be infested with thorny challenges, or for a few lucky ones, a bed of roses. Whatever it might be, there is one person, who walks by your side, ready to share all that life has in store for you. Your soul mate, he or she is there to keep you from falling, should you stumble in the rocky road ahead. It is love that connects you; love that is there in your eyes, which light up when you see that person; love that is there in the feeling of content in your heart when this person is close by; love that makes you oblivious of the grim reality of the world passing by; love that is ‘Chemistry’ at its best…

‘Chemistry’ is not just about bonds that have tags or names to them. It is also about relationships, feelings or bonds which simply cannot be put in words, which do not follow set rules. Why is one able to ‘decode’ the silent gaze of a stranger, someone he has absolutely no link to! Why does a dog wag its tail when its master ruffles its coat? Why does the pitter-patter of rain spell calm for many? And why is ‘Chemistry’ the answer to all these “Why’s”?

However, in today’s busy world, ‘Chemistry’ is fast losing its charm…today, rash action by one human is quick to inspire hatred in his or her close ones. Ties are getting looser, smiles dimmer… ‘Chemistry’ does not tug at your heartstrings anymore! It is only in those rare moments that we catch the faint but pleasant whiff of ‘Chemistry’, that we want to live life…all over again…